Intonaco Mezzo™



          		{"name":"Size","position":1,"values":["1 Quart (1kg)","1 Gallon (5kg)","2 Gallons (10kg)","3 Gallons (15kg)","5 Gallons (25kg)"]}

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    Product Details


    40 square feet per gallon (1 coat)

    Material cost

    $1.10 - $1.25 per sq ft  depending on color.

    Ph Factor

    13 ph

    Granulation Size Range

    700 µm (microns) / 0.7mm

    Suggested Coats

    We recommend 2 coats for best results. Often used as a base coat under thinner products like Marmorino Piatto to offer textured look.


    Sold by weight. 1kg (1-quart) to 25kg (5-gallons)


    55 lbs. / 25 kg. per 5 gallons


    Intonaco Mezzo™ is applied directly onto any surface and works well over smooth or textured surfaces. We suggest our products are always applied to a surface that has been properly prepared with a primer. FirmoLux™ offers Anchor Primer™ for best results under Intonaco Mezzo™. This product contains a good mix of minerals including lime, marble and quartz minerals. Mezzo is is a thick plaster and can be sculptured to simulate the look of stucco or heavy finish. A very creative plaster when used under our other plasters.Color: Product comes natural white. Can be tinted to match any color desired. See custom colors.

    40 2

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    Eco-friendly Green Building Product


    Authentic Imported Italian Plaster

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