Pavan 824 Finishing Trowel



Pavan 824 Finishing Trowel

These trowels are engineered with rounded corners and milled blade edges.  It’s a perfect finishing trowel for the seasoned professional or DIY’s serious about their project.  

They are great for applying and polishing Venetian plaster.  Makes burnishing of your Venetian plaster a little easier.  The have an amazing ergonomic (Sinthesi) non-slip handle and makes them comfortable to use all day. 

  • Inox Stainless Steel milled blade and rounded edges - trapezoid in shape.
  • Comes in 3 sizes: Small, Medium and Large. We recommend the small or medium to start with.  Large trowels are more for large project where vast square footage needs to be covered.
    • 200x80mm (7.9”x3.2”) “Recommended”
    • 240-100mm (9.5”x4”) “Recommended”
    • 280-120mm (11”x4.75”) “Large walls and large projects”

 These quality trowels are hand made in Italy by Pavan.

    Eco-friendly Green Building Product


    Authentic Imported Italian Plaster

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